
نونية إبن القيم für Android

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  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.04
  • 4

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نونية إبن القيم - Ein umfassendes Buch über die Glaubensüberzeugungen der Salaf

نونية إبن القيم, authored by ابن القيم, is a highly acclaimed poem that serves as a comprehensive guide to the beliefs of the Salaf. The poem is titled "الكافية الشافية في الانتصار للفرقة الناجية" which translates to "The Sufficient and Healing Poem in Support of the Saved Sect." It is considered one of the greatest works in explaining the beliefs of the righteous predecessors and affirming the attributes of Allah while emphasizing His uniqueness and dissimilarity to His creation.

With nearly six thousand verses, نونية إبن القيم delves into various aspects of Islamic theology and refutes the deviant sects that distort or anthropomorphize the attributes of Allah. It serves as a valuable resource for students of Islamic studies, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the authentic beliefs of the Salaf.

This Android application, developed by metraqapps, allows users to access the complete نونية إبن القيم on their mobile devices. It provides an easy-to-navigate interface, making it convenient for readers to explore and study this significant work of Islamic literature.

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نونية إبن القيم für Android

  • Kostenlos

  • In Deutsch
  • V 3.04
  • 4

  • Sicherheitsstatus

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